The Effect of African Languages and Dialects on Classical Arabic
languages, dialects, sounds, Afrikaans, Chad.Abstract
In our time, we notice a great deal of error and melody among people, including teachers, educated people, and the general public. This portends a grave danger affecting the Arabic language, which Almighty Allah glorified by making the language of the Qur’an in it. We do not forget that one of the most important reasons for the emergence of Arabic grammar is the spread of error and melody among people for various reasons (religious, social, and national). If this was in the past, how can we be in the present, when the ages have changed, the dispersals have increased, and the nations have overlapped? Unfortunately, people are relatively less interested in Arabic, especially those without specialization. It was necessary for us to try as much as possible to limit these errors of their different types. Thus, this study came to cover even the slightest thing in this section by presenting the history of linguistic melody and some models of melody that a small study will not be able to enumerate and then highlight the solutions to this dangerous phenomenon. The study consisted of an introduction and three chapters. In the introduction, we discuss the importance of the topic. The first topic: In it we learn about the nature of linguistic melody and its origins and the attempts of scholars to treat it throughout the ages, and what are the reasons that led to its appearance. The second topic will be the heart of the research topic. In it, we learn about models of linguistic, grammatical, morphological, spelling, and semantic melody. We arrive at the third topic, in which we refer to the most important methods and attempts to reduce this phenomenon, then we reach a complete one, and then we conclude the research with a conclusion and a list of sources and references.
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