Analysis of the Urban Construction Characteristics of Informal Housing in the Second Sector of Ibb City Using Techniques (RS and GIS)
Distribution of Informal Housing, Urban Characteristics, Violations of the Land Use Plan, RS and GIS Techniques.Abstract
Using the descriptive and analytical approach to study the urban characteristics of unofficial housing buildings in the two neighborhoods units, No. (212 & 211), which make up the second sector of Ibb city, resulting from poor planning and large urban expansion, as well as the continuous increase in the number of unofficial housing, as the total number of unofficial housing until the end of 2022 AD reached (473) random buildings in the two neighborhood units (212 & 211), and based on satellite visuals and geographic information systems, the field study and analysis of the questionnaire data, a number of urban characteristics of unofficial housings were reached in those two units: It was found that most of the lands of unofficial housing are owned by citizens, as they amounted to (64%) of the size of the study sample, in addition to the predominance of multi-story unofficial buildings, and unofficial housing consisting of more than three rooms constituted (51.4%), while unofficial housing whose rents reached more than one hundred thousand Yemeni riyals constituted (58.3%), while the percentage of unofficial housing that has home gardens reached (24.8%), and it was found that most of the unofficial buildings in The study area was constructed of stones and cement by (70.5%), and the study found that the number of violations on the basic plan of the two neighborhood units at the expense of the land use of roads and streets amounted to about (80) violations of the basic outline of highways and streets, i.e.: constituted (76.2%) of the size of the study sample, while the number of violations on the plan of educational, health, religious, and recreational services amounted to (25) violations of the basic outline of services, i.e.: (23.8%) and the study recommends the need to develop an integrated planning strategy for all residential sectors and neighborhood units in Ibb city, so that urban expansion in the city is in line with urban plans and not random extending.
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