The Role of Transport Flow in Highlighting Urban Centralization and Organizing the Regional Space of Cities (The Case of the Moroccan City: Kénitra)
Transport, Accessibility, Urban Centralization, Space Organization, Passenger Flows, KénitraAbstract
This article aims to highlight the role of transportation streams in enhancing the urban centralization of Kenitra. The study will analyze how the city’s regional area is organized, starting with the first-class taxi transport streams and other forms of transportation such as dual and unrevealed transportation. We will be able to get precise data regarding the number of daily trips made between the city of Kenitra and other locations due to this study. Additionally, it will provide us with a clear understanding of the relationships that exist between the city and the territorial areas and surrounding regions, which enables us to calculate the difference in movement density between the city of Kenitra and the various regions that fall under its area of impact. This study is contemporary because it is one of the few that examined how transportation organized Kenitra's regional area and increased its urban centrality. It is also contemporary because field research was used, which lends scientific validity to the conclusions drawn.
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