Undergraduate Science Education Students’ Attitude Towards Practical Work in Anambra State, Nigeria
Science, Attitude, Undergraduate students, and Practical workAbstract
The study investigated undergraduate science students' attitudes towards practical work in Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State. Two hypotheses and three research questions were posed to guide the investigation. The population was 285 final-year students in the Department of Science Education. Using a standard random sampling method, 180 undergraduate science education students were chosen for the descriptive survey design study. The study problems were addressed using frequency, percentages, mean, and standard deviation and the hypotheses were tested using one-way ANOVA and t-test statistics. The research findings indicate that a more significant percentage of undergraduate science education students exhibit a positive attitude towards science practical work. The attitudes of male and female students regarding practical science work also differed significantly, with female students' attitudes being more favourable. Furthermore, a moderate degree of influence from the area of specialization on undergraduate science education students' attitudes toward practical work can be seen, as demonstrated by the significantly higher attitudes toward practical work demonstrated by integrated Science, Biology, and Chemistry Education students compared to those in Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics units. It was suggested that the government give more science-related practical equipment considering the findings, more laboratories should be built in federal universities, and science practical should continue to ensure a nonbiased gender-based practical and also more practical classes should be held than always lecturing method.
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