Investigating the Relationship of Social Capital Perception and Knowledge Sharing by Mediation of Organizational Commitment Among all Staff of the General Education Department in Holy Karbala
Social capital, sharing of knowledge, Organizational Commitment.Abstract
The study aims to investigate the relationship between the perception of social capital and knowledge sharing mediated by organizational commitment in a descriptive correlational method. The statistical population includes all employees of the General Department of Education in holy Karbala, whose number is 1000. According to Cochran's table, the sample size was 278 people who were selected by random sampling from the statistical population. The research tool is a questionnaire, so three standard questionnaires were used, such as Nahapit & Ghoshal's Social Capital (1998), Nonaka & Takeuchi's Knowledge Spiral (1995) and Meier & Allen's Organizational Commitment (1990). Supervisor, subject experts, and some of the statistical community members confirmed the face and content validity of the questionnaires. Based on Cronbach's alpha coefficient, the reliability of the social capital questionnaire, knowledge sharing questionnaire and commitment questionnaire were respectively calculated as 0.94, 0.96, and 0.76. To analyze the research data, 19Spss and 20Amos software were used. In statistical analysis, descriptive statistics were used to collect basic information such as mean, minimum and maximum value, number of data, standard deviation, frequency, and frequency percentage, and for inferential statistics, Smirnov Kolmograph test, Kruskal Wallis, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and independent T-test were used. The findings show that there is a significant relationship of 0.33 between social capital perception and knowledge sharing by mediation of organizational commitment. Also, there is a substantial relationship of 0.81 between social capital and knowledge sharing, as well as between commitment and knowledge sharing, with a significant relationship of 0.59, and there is a substantial relationship of 0.51 between social capital and commitment.
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