Resentment of Resources and Characteristics of the Rentier State the Case of Algeria in Light of the Policy of Economic Recovery 2000-2015
DOI:الكلمات المفتاحية:
rent, the rentier state, the curse of natural resources, the Dutch disease, the periodicity of fiscal policyالملخص
The Algerian Economy depends almost entirely on hydrocarbon rents, making it a rentier economy par excellence. However, with the passage of time, negative effects began to appear from the oil price shocks. Public policy through programs of economic recovery policy, which was known as a massive delinquency of spending funded by the proceeds of hydrocarbons and led to the emergence of symptoms of the Dutch disease through the impact of spending, on the other hand, the successive shocks of oil prices led to another phenomenon, which is the cyclicality of fiscal policy, and therefore we are here in front of The penetration of the Dutch disease on the one hand, and the cyclical fiscal policy on the other hand, not to mention the transition to the concept of the rentier state in Algeria, all of this makes us confirm the hypothesis of the existence of the natural resource curse in Algeria for the period 2000-2015. Based on the aforementioned, we have followed the descriptive approach in order to identify the various concepts and relationships that this topic deals with, and we used the method of analysis and arrangement in order to analyze, clarify and compare the most important data and data available to us. The method of analysis and arrangement in order to analyze and interpret the data collected for the data of the study, which is related to the subject of the study, in order to prove or deny the existence of the phenomenon of the natural resources curse in Algeria. Through our study of the subject, the presence of the natural resource grudge in Algeria is confirmed, by confirming the impact of the movement of labor from the agricultural and industrial sector to the construction sector, public works and the service sector, which was caused by the behavior of rents resulting from the positive oil shock until 2015. In addition, the real exchange rate resulting from hard currency inflows from the booming oil sector led to a lack of competitiveness and then a gradual dissolution of the agricultural and industrial sectors, which makes the state a rentier par excellence that has no role other than the redistribution of rents.
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